Holidays (Part 2)

Because I couldn't wait, I immediately patted Saira on the shoulder and then looked at her. I want to hear the explanation.
"Saira I asked you, what's the matter? Is there anything you're upset about?" I said with a worried look on my face. Finally he was willing to see the eyes of all of us.
"Look, I was contacted this morning when I canceled the qualification for the badminton competition which was held in two days. The coach wants to change players because of my injured left hand two days ago. It's so fucking, even though this injury is not so severe and it has healed now. I'm playing right-handed anyway!" Saira explained while throwing the stone she picked up on the ground.
"I thought there was something between you." Beril looked at Izah and Saira in turn,

I feel guilty now. I've been thinking negatively about Diplomas. I really couldn't figure out why I was thinking bad things about my friends I'd known for a long time. Many people say that if one boarding house with someone we already knew closely at school in the past, then he will show his true nature when living together or staying together. That would put us at odds with him. But our friendship is different. We've already discussed those rumors and will try our best to break those rumors.

"So that's it, Sai." I glanced at Saira's hand, she had been holding it since just now.
"So that's the reason you were hooked when I woke up earlier?" Izah added.
"yes you patted my hand too hard Zah." Saira replied.
"Why don't you want to tell when your hand was injured in the first place?" asked Beril.
"I don't want you guys to worry, even more so Mai. Because if you know, Mai must also know." Saira replied.
"You shouldn't be like that. Don't force yourself. The coach's verdict was correct. Your injury two days ago was right. May we know because of what?" I advised him.

When I was about to hold Saira's left hand, he shook it off and looked at me with a melas face. I was surprised by his reaction. I do reflex a lot towards something, I do it to check if Saira's hand is okay.

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"I'm sorry Saira." I'm getting awkward.

"Thank you Mai. I got caught on a motorbike when I was crossing the road." Saira said softly and then looked away from me.
"So that's it." I said in response.

I feel bad because of this thing just now. Was I overprotective of my friends until he hid his sick state like that, even I didn't realize his injured hand. I just realized now, for the past week, Saira only wore a long-sleeved T-shirt, no wonder I didn't see the wound.

"Alright it's done, let's continue the run this morning. I can't wait to learn." Beril said.
"Come on. I also can't wait to go for a walk after the exam. How about going to the tea garden?" Beril said something the opposite of what he said yesterday.
"I heard that right?" said Saira.
"After thinking about it, the idea of traveling is indeed good for adding enthusiasm." Beril said with a smile.

2 weeks later...
We all gathered in a café in the middle of campus.
"We're finally done with the exam!" said Saira excitedly, punching in the air.
"Hey don't shout, we're still on campus and somebody will hear!" said Beril.
"So where are we going?" I said happily.
"I want to outbound to Bukik Hills." Saira said.
"Don't want to. Let's just have a picnic to the tea garden." Beril said.
"I agree." Diploma said.
"Agree to go outbound, right?" Saira said.
"No." Tukas Izah.
"It sucks. Mai how?" Saira asked.
Again I'm in this situation, if I agree to go on a picnic Saira will be sad and feel alone, I can't bear it. Am I lebay?

"Hmm I agree to go outbound." I didn't think I said that right away.
"Mai! I know you don't like such activities." Beril said unwillingly.
"Well how about we go to both places?" I said originally.
"You can't, because the two areas are far apart." Beril said.
"Well, let's just go individually." Saira casually said that and we all stared back at her.
"It can't be so, we have planned to always be together, right, why should it be separated." I disagree.
"Then how about it, our opinions are divided in half. I still don't want to have a picnic in the tea garden. If you keep going I have no problem going alone." Saira said which made me a little annoyed.
"You don't be so casual as Saira. Since when did you become selfish like this?" Izah suddenly made a sound in an annoyed tone.
"What selfish? Our opinions are different. 50:50 right. I went with Mai you go two too, no one is wronged." Saira was pretentiously wise.
"I still don't agree." Izah responded to him.
"Alright that's okay. I agree with going both ways. We can video call later in their respective places." Beril said.

I don't finish thinking about it all. Since when did we separate just because of different opinions. If it can be together, why should it be separated. It should have been a holiday trip this time just twice. We had to postpone returning home. Maybe that could be a solution.

"Can't!" I raised my voice and hit the table. Everything in the café was on me.
"Mai, don't be emotional. A lot of people are here." Beril whispered.
I wasn't aware.
"I'm sorry guys. Can't we just discuss this at home?" I said quietly.
"Ok." All my friends said.

Arrived at the rented house..
"So what?" Said Izah, who usually rarely starts a chat first.
Everything was silent. Is everything too stressed because of the exam? I was so relieved to have completed a pretty tough exam in my opinion. Maybe all my friends are too.

"How about we draw a lot?" Saira said.
"Okay. Let's just go straight." Beril said confidently as if he would win the draw.
"But before you all think about it, we have been tired in these two weeks because of the exam. When do you want to go outbound and add to the feeling of fatigue? It should be that the holiday is used to relax!" Beril argued.
"It's up to you what you say. Wear this coin, if it is angklung, I will win." Saira said.

Finally the two of them started the draw with a thousand coins with angklung images. Izah helped toss his coins. And the result of that throwing is the angklung image. Beril looked annoyed then went to his room and slammed it down. Saira smiled with satisfaction.

"If he doesn't accept it, I will go by myself. Mai I think you should come with Beril. Because even if we're apart, I'm sure it won't change the bond of our friendship, right Mai." Saira replied.

I'm so bothered to discuss holidays that it's so hard to put together opinions. This holiday we went in twos and twos. Beril still didn't want to go oubound to Bukik Hills, he went to a tea garden an hour and a half away from where we are now. As for going oubound it takes two and a half hours. The two places are located in opposite directions. We only had two days before returning home. That's why we were hard to go to both places.

I honestly really didn't enjoy this holiday. I don't want to blame anyone, but it's like a bad ending in a game. I didn't expect this to happen because of each other's selfishness.


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