Neighbors Only


On a clear morning, the birds chirped, I saw a pair of birds flying here and there, like lovers spending weekly nights in a town square, as if they were mocking me who until recently had no lover.

I got up from my seat, suddenly my cell phone rang, I picked up the phone.
"hello ma, why??," "
please water the plants in front,"
Tutt... the phone was turned off unilaterally by mama without waiting for an answer from me.

I took a hose to water these plants, it felt like mama loved these plants more than I did because every time I came home from work these plants she asked were not me her son.

My gaze was suddenly diverted to a house directly across the street, the house had been empty for a long time, but this time I saw a car parked in front of the house. I continued my show this morning flushing the plants, then I went back into the house I laid my body on the mattress as I closed my eyes, I imagined a man who every Monday during the ceremony I recognized his back, Who I always looked for during recess, but now I can't see him anymore, he has graduated.

It wasn't until a few minutes before I laid my body that the house bell rang, I opened the door of my house.
"Look for who mom?" I asked the woman who was the same age as my
mama "No, here's a little bit of food accepted huh?"
"oh, so many moms,"
"Yes, you're welcome, yaudah mom say goodbye first let's" the woman replied with a smile leaving my
yard "yes let's mom" I replied and then went back in, I had never seen that woman before or indeed I was the one who didn't know the people who lived around me.

Sunday, this time everyone home is off. I opened the window of my room, suddenly my gaze fell on a man who was washing his motorcycle across the street. Like early in the morning I usually have to water all the plants in front of the house, but this time I was accompanied by mama. Mama explained how to properly care for the plants, mama also bought some plants to add to the collection she said.

Today it felt so tired plus the sun was so hot, we decided to take a break under the tree. It was only a few minutes before I sat down, the mothers who came yesterday, came over to me and mama but this time she wasn't alone, she was with a man I saw this morning when I opened the window.

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"Assalamualaikum, Salsa,"
"Waalaikumsalam, you know Vienna you are the one who nempatin front house anyway?" my mama replied in shock
"Yes sal, I just moved here 2 days ago"

Mama invited you and aunt Vienna to come in, it turns out that aunt Vienna is mama's high school friend first, This is the first time me and you shook hands and I know your name and also your phone number, Andres. That's where me and Andres started to get along, and unexpectedly he would also be in the same school with me, He's 12th grade and I'm 11th grade. He often helps me to take care of the plants in front of the house, doing assignments from school. Ever since we were in school, he always gave me a ride to leave or go home. We often spend time on a field that Andres often uses football practice.

This afternoon Andres has a practice on the field, I often accompany himself to practice. it feels so good to spend time with her, it's been 6 months since we've been close I've started to put feelings on her, I love her, from her personality, her cleverness, her voice, her perfume fragrance, her haircut, I love everything about her I think the song "Perfect-Andra and The Backbone" is the most appropriate song to describe her.

"What type of girl are you??" I asked, handing her a bottle of mineral
water "Why is it?"
"Want to push yourself," I replied "Halah, I really like it," he replied, drinking the mineral water I
"It's not that you're okay?" I
said "I like you," the answer managed to make my cheeks flushed
"Kidding don't take it to heart," you continued even though the answer had already made me happy, instantly the atmosphere became awkward.

"You don't bales chat cave already 2 days know," I broke the awkwardness "the cave has already said, the cave is more comfortable chatting directly like this than through chat anyway you just have to cross the cave already met the cave," he
replied "Just watch out, if you chat the cave will not cave bales until the goats live in the water though"
the cave datengin your house, it's settled, let's go home and I want to magrib," he invited.

8 months passed, I think I was right to fall in love with him, I am comfortable with him, I want to express this feeling of mine, the attention he gave me, make me feel sure he has the same feelings as me, But it turns out that I was wrong, on that day.

"Here's a book from Andres," mama said as she handed me a math notebook
"Okei, makasi," I replied as I opened the math notebook, it felt like I was already very tired of the contents of the book.

There are written formulas that are neatly lined up, I am very tired to study them, I open the next sheet there is a word written under those formulas "don't miss a guy like a cave" and then there is his name under Him. I don't know what he meant.

After a few days had passed I found out he had moved no more from him, every day I waited for a message he sent me, I missed him, missed his laughter, missed everything about him.

I wanted to exchange messages via WA with him but none of the messages I sent were replied to, that's where I and him are out of touch anymore, of course every meeting there is a farewell, I am very lucky to know him if I can manage the time I want me to stay with him, even though his presence is only briefly in my life but he is very difficult for me to forget until now.


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