Thank You Mama

Mama is a woman that I care about very much and has an important role in my life. Without the figure of mama, Theresia could not have been born into this world. Mama is a special gift and gift from God. And with the birth of There into the world, I became able to see and enjoy the beauty of the universe which is a very powerful and extraordinary work of God's creation.

Lord, may I ask you to always take care of my mama and protect her until she always fills her with happiness until her age?

Right now, There hasn't been able to do anything big to make mama happy. There hopes that in her youth, with all the knowledge and upbringing and guidance of mama for There, build There's personality into a successful child and have a God-fearing character.

Mother... Thank you for teaching myself to read fluently when I was a child. And You remember once before I was in elementary school, Mama really tried so hard to make me able to read fluently with love and patience and gentleness in teaching me.

I don't know, the older I entered adulthood, the more God gave me to go back to my childhood experiences that had previously barely appeared in my memory.

While in prayer and entering into silence, God and the Spirit that was in me led me to one of the experiences of being loved by a mama.

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Unconsciously, it grows more and more often wanders away from mama. There was a time when there seemed to be ignorant of mama and felt like I could do it all on my own. And even feel comfortable elsewhere than realizing there is a figure who always accepts me for who I am and always supports the choices and decisions I make for the best.
Now, and now I'm very receptive to everything that's in me. And now I realize how precious and unique I am and now I am more able to express myself what kind of talent I am and I know that I don't have to make everyone happy. Rather, myself is my best friend and one who knows myself well. By understanding and understanding this, I know that I must have special things and give my time and presence to people who love me unconditionally and they are people who are also deeply loved by me.

Because, only a figure like a mama can provide support to me. And not once, mama saw me crying speechlessly with what I was feeling. Mama, you're so great for There, papa and my four younger siblings.

How proud and happy I am to have a great mama and was born to a woman who inspired me to become a wife and mama for my children in the future.

Mama There is named Elida, she is a woman with long curly hair, has a mature skin and she is very fond of her brother and her two brothers who are my uncles.

Even my Mama is a child who respects, loves and appreciates both parents until death calls my grandmother and grandfather. Although there is not much money and property that mama can give to grandma and grandpa. Mama always gave her time, attendance and gave herself fully when needed by my grandparents in their old age such as sacrificing not to work for months in order to take care of my sickly grandmother. And until my grandmother closed her age at the age of 89, my mother's attention moved me a lot and not only that, there was a great man who supported my mother to give the best in my grandmother's lifetime, namely My Father who was my inspirational man in terms of humility and extraordinary wisdom. And papa's soul who is also very fond of helping others, loves us his children, is loyal and always wants family harmony and always tries to give the best for us as a family.

Truly, for those of us who still have a mama figure, let's always give and make them happy always and smile in their days.

A mama's prayer is also that can make myself exist until today I have entered the age of 27. This age will be an amazing thing for myself, my family and my world and nations. For, God's great grace and grace are manifest in my life. All of this will be a living testimony and a miracle of God in my life.


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