Use of Discovery Learning models with Flashcards to Improve Learners' Speaking Skills

The ability to speak is one of the four language skills that must be mastered. The ability to speak is very important to master because it becomes an effective oral communication tool for the daily life of students. But nowadays there are still students who experience difficulties in pronunciation (Pronunciation), difficulty in remembering vocabulary (Vocabulary) in English, and low self-confidence of students when speaking, especially in English.

Innovation in learning is a challenge for today's teachers. These innovations can be in the form of new ideas, ideas, models, methods, or learning technologies that are able to bring value or even profit to their users. This is done to be able to solve the problems faced by teachers, with the hope that the innovations made can have a positive impact on the development of learning in the classroom.

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Every teacher is required to develop their creativity and professionalism in creating an effective and fun classroom atmosphere so as to increase students' interest / motivation in learning during the learning process. In this activity, the teacher takes material related to "Telling Time" which leads to a lot of daily conversations -- days so that students can practice it.

The use of the Discovery Learning Learning Model, as well as the Audio Lingual by Using Drilling Technique and Media Flashcards method is a solution that can have a good impact in improving speech skills, especially in the pronunciation ability of students in the "Telling Time" material where flashcards are given. and images -- images at the beginning of learning as a stimulus for learners are very well used to attract learners' learning interest. According to Imansyah, and Terasne. (2019) "Flashcards have a very positive impact on motivation in learners' speech skills", lighter questions with the provision of a simple text related to Meals' Time as an excellent problem identification are also used to improve students' critical thinking skills, as well as the use of innovative learning media and tools (TPACK) can reduce the boredom of students during the learning process, after that data collection by interviewing each other's group friends related to Meals' Time and discussing and seeking information from various reference teaching sources, students are directed to collaborate and communicate to exchange opinions, arguments, and ideas on the answers that have been obtained in their respective groups, the verification stage where students can present the results problems with presenting in front of the class, and finally drawing conclusions by students. An interesting and structured learning model can increase student activity during the learning process so that learning is student-centered.

The results of this learning really help learners be more active during the learning process, do not feel saturated and start to be confident to speak using English as conveyed by Solehudin from grade 7 "Learning English is easy to understand and fun with the use of Flashcard media related to time material". The response obtained from the Principal was very good and very supportive of the learning activities carried out. Responses from fellow teachers were enthusiastic about trying to implement these stages of learning in their subjects. TPACK-based learning (PPT and video) that is implemented makes students more interested in participating in learning, so they are more motivated to speak English.

So it can be concluded that the use of the Discovery Learning learning model with Audio -- Lingual Method by Using Drilling Techniquand the use of TPACK and Flashcards media are very effective in improving speech skills in the pronunciation aspects of students in grade 7 SMPN One Stop 5 Cipatujah.


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