Homesick is Natural

A person when away from home and parents certainly have to face challenges independently. He is required to be able to learn to manage life, build new social relationships, and adjust to the new environment. Geographical conditions, habits, and social environments are certainly different from the previous home environment to the point of being able to cause homesickness. The characteristic of homesickness is the confiscation of the mind by constantly thinking about the home environment. Homesick simply means missing home. The feeling of longing is not only aimed at the house that is left behind, but also misses the atmosphere, family, and so on. We have become accustomed to the mindset that home is the safest and most comfortable place from a young age. So when the situation requires us to move away from home, our subconscious perceives these changes as stressful. In addition, knowledge about the place is still so limited that negative feelings about the new residence arise, ranging from fear, anxiety, not feeling at home, to panic.

For some people may think, what is it to go home while studying? Lectures from Monday to Friday, Saturday Sunday to go home for some people waste time. It should be that this two-day time can be used to take a break from the tiredness of five days for college. Tasks waiting to be completed add to the list of laziness to go home. Many obstacles such as fatigue, traffic jams, and others are also considered.

Overseas students who experience homesickness have different thoughts. Two days is a golden time to be able to meet family. Homesickness, parents, and the atmosphere in the hometown are reasons to go home. Going home can be healing from the fatigue of the task. Parents and families become a support system for problems. Someone feels comfortable telling stories with someone who can understand their condition and can encourage and motivate us to be more enthusiastic in studying college. Parents can only calm down and ease the burden borne during college.

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Homesick can undeniably be an obstacle in activities. Students certainly have a busy schedule. Organizations, activity units, and others certainly make us unable to go home all the time. When we have to complete a task or participate in an activity, our mind thinks about home. This certainly makes the heart restless and unsettled.

Then how can we control the feeling of homesickness that is felt? There are several tips from that can be tried to relieve homesick, including the following:

• Busying yourself with preferred activities so that they forget by themselves

• Sometimes we need a diversion from a problem, one of which is by doing useful activities in order to take our minds off wanting to go home. Activities that can be done such as exercising, traveling, and others.

• Get involved in activities that can be done

• We can follow student organizations so as not to keep thinking about home.

• Contacting family can be by phone, video call, and so on

• Keep communicating either via phone, video call or other social media so that the feeling of missing does not accumulate and ends up feeling like going home that is not restrained.

• Establish a personal routine

• By having a personal routine, the new environment will feel more familiar and predictable, so it will cause a sense of comfort.

• Talk or tell fun stories with friends

• Tell a story with someone who is in the same frequency as you so that the conversation can be connected and exciting.

• Join the community

• From the community we can make friends so that we do not feel lonely and bring out a sense of homesickness.

• Explore interesting things in overseas places

• Try to explore interesting places in your home place.

• Reflecting or thinking about the positives of being a child

• We can better realize that not always something new and unfamiliar is bad.

• Understanding the feeling of homesickness will pass

• The feeling of homesickness will surely pass by itself, but when the longing is

• It has not been treated that we can go home to meet the family.

But again homesickness is not something wrong and should not be felt. There is no need to be embarrassed to admit that you are a homesick person. Homesickness is very natural and commonly experienced by students. The feeling of longing is a natural thing to feel, especially before we have never been far away for a long period of time from the family. But as someone who can think we have to adjust when we can go home and when we can just make a video call or something to the family at home. We can't always attach importance to the ego to go home and meet family. We must also think about and consider all conditions whether it will affect the time in working on the task. Usually, students who are overseas children will complete their assignments before returning home so that when they return to college, they can rest assured. When at home, you can enjoy time to gather with family more freely.


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