Only 5 Pieces of Chili Leaves Boiled for 15 Minutes, This Extraordinary Efficacy Can Be Directly Felt by the Body!

But you know, if it turns out that it's not just the fruit, chili leaves are also efficacious for the body!

Only 5 pieces of chili leaves are boiled for 15 minutes, you can feel this amazing property!

Curious what are the benefits and properties of chili leaves?


Boiled water of chili leaves is believed to be used as an herbal medicine to overcome diseases, from overcoming fever to diabetes!


If you don't believe me, let's look at the following review of the benefits of chili boiled water, come on!

Benefits of Chili Leaves

We must regret that so far the chili plant has only been used by chili.

Because it turns out that chili leaves also have properties that are not inferior to medicine.

Chili leaves have a bitter taste and this tasteless texture contain vitamins (A, B and C) and minerals (sodium, calcium, and iron), dietary fiber, phytochemicals, as well as phenolic acids.

Human clinical trials proved that chili leaves can lower LDL levels, reduce chronic pain.

It also protects the stomach lining from H.
Here are 8 benefits of chili leaves as reported by

1. Helps treat arthritis

Arthritis is characterized by swelling and joint pain.

Joint pain will get worse with age.

The most common types of arthritis are osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.

When experiencing this, chili leaves can be a great option.

It has anti-inflammatory properties that can help provide relief from arthritis symptoms.

2. Helps to lose weight

Chili leaves contain low amounts of calories and fat.

They can be used as an alternative treatment of weight loss.

For these benefits we only have to have three to four leaves of dried chili peppers, boil them in water and add them with lime or lemon juice.

Drink it directly in the morning.

3. Has antioxidant properties

The leaves have antioxidant properties that can help prevent the damage that can be exerted on the body by free radicals – cell damage and damage to blood vessels and nerves.

They are a source of vitamins A and C that act as antioxidants that combat free radicals in the body.

They can help lower the risk of cancer, cataracts, heart disease, bronchial asthma, and osteoarthritis.

4. Overcoming stomach cramps

Abdominal cramps can be experienced by many women every month.

With chili leaves, problems with stomach cramps can be eliminated.

Just brew the leaves, add salt, and drink while it is still warm.

5. Managing diabetes

Chili leaves have been found beneficial in diabetics.

The leaves contain phytochemicals that can help boost pancreatic cells to produce insulin.

6. Helps reduce the itching of insect bites

When applied to insect bites, the leaves of hot peppers produce a warm impression that helps prevent itching.

Just crush the leaves and apply them over the entire affected area.


7. Reduces fever

Fever is when the human body temperature rises above the normal range of 36-37 ° Celsius.

To effectively reduce the heat on the body, chili leaves can be mashed and then mixed with lettuce oil and apply on the forehead.

8. Helps boost the immune system

Chili leaves are a rich source of phytochemicals and phenolic acids that can help boost our immune system and reduce blood pressure.

By adding it to our diet, we will be able to lower the risk of various diseases.

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