

Reading:1 John 3:11-18

A Year's Reading:Genesis 16-18

Nas:... Let us love not with words or with tongues, but by works and in truth. (1 John 3:18)

Love is often misunderstood. Either as a saying or a feeling. Although Andi is a good young man, Fina rejects her approach on the grounds that there are "no feelings." Andi was unyielding. Instead of just seducing with words, at every opportunity he attempts to show Fina good deeds. Over and over again, until it was time for Fina's heart to melt as well. Eventually they became a happy couple. Deeds are indeed more powerful than mere feelings and speech.

John referred to believers in Jesus as "having moved from death into life" (v. 14; John. 5:24). New man. Born again of God (1Jn. 3:9; 5:1; John. 1:12). But this renewal is spiritual, only God knows. Whereas before men this renewal is only evident when "we love our brethren" (v. 14). That is the real deeds felt by fellow brothers in need (vv. 17-18). This is john's main theme and message in his epistles: love. For him, love is true and powerful, as long as its form is deeds.

A real and unrelenting act of love can win over a couple who originally did not believe in God. Able to conquer a heart that was once hard. Able to melt frozen and tense relationships. Able to cast an eye on the truth. Even able to turn enemies into friends. Love is powerful, as long as it takes the form of deeds.


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