7 Rejected Groups

7 Rejected Groups

Reading:Revelation 21:1-8

A Year's Reading:Genesis 13-15

Nas: "But the cowards, the unbelievers, the vile, the murderers, the bitches, the sorcerers, the idolaters and all the liars, they will have their share in the flaming sea-n (Revelation 21:8)

The truth of the Bible is that not everyone will be accepted or entered into the Kingdom of Heaven. There are seven groups rejected by God, where one day they will experience a second death in a lake of blazing fire. A warning we should pay attention to.

Today's devotional nas clearly mentions that this group of timid, distrustful, vile, murderers, bitches, sorcerers, pagans, and liars, will have that terrible share. The explanation of each behavior can include many things. Regarding the group of murderers, for example, another passage of God's word says, "Everyone who hates his brother, is a murderer of man. And you know that no murderer shall have eternal life in him" (1Jn. 3:15). Likewise with heinous behavior, which indicates that a person's heart and mind are overrun by "darkness" resulting in very evil behavior towards others. Sorcerers, can be interpreted as people who like to turn others from true truth or turn away from their faith in Christ.

Let's reflect on nas today for a moment by looking at our personal lives. Are there any signs of the deeds of the seven groups that God rejects in us? If so, let's repent immediately and improve, so that one day we will not become part of those who receive God's wrath! 


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