

"So what motivates you to want to work here?"
"I firmly believe that this company fits my career goals, and the position I want to occupy is also in line with the ability I have."

The strokes of the bullpen are clearly heard in this vacuum measuring 8 x 4 square meters. Occasionally there was the sound of two people conducting interviews. These two people wear chic clothes and wear fragrances that spoil the nose.
The sheets of the dossier are struck down by the sheet, indicating that the interviewer is trying to understand the source.

Harim, a head of HR at a company, is interviewing prospective workers this year. He has been in this position for 13 years and gave all he could in this job. Looking at the various applicants he interviewed, reminded him of a time when he realized that it was very difficult to get a decent job.

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"Rim are you sure you don't want to go home?"
"Just pray for Harim, mom, there are still many companies that Harim hasn't come to, who knows if there will be sustenance later" "
Yes, take care of your health there, Rim."

Harim's snatching of the brush was instantaneous after the phone was hung up. He cleaned the public toilets he was guarding on the outskirts of the capital. Harim brushed the floor like he was playing guitar. The rhythmic rubbing sound he emitted signaled Harim cleaning the wc sincerely and sincerely. The smell of titan arum flowers was not aroused. It can't be helped, in order to survive in the capital, any thing Harim must do. The results, which are halved with public toilet owners, are enough to be able to keep the stomach filled today.

Harim is a bachelor of management with the best predicate. Many certificates have been bagged from his performance during college. With a mountain of determination he ventured to the capital. It is hoped that he can work in a company and get a big salary. His unfamiliar view of the rigors of living in a foreign land at that time. Now, Harim lives alone in a cheap boarding house near the big rice field market.

"Is there a company you want to try to apply for again Rim?"
"There is no sir yet, and every time I try to apply for a job, it will be hampered in the interview."
"Have you tried to find an insider yet?"
"I'm alone in the Capital City, so there's nothing I can ask."

One by one, Harim has stopped by to find a job that matches the knowledge he learned. He clung to his stance and abstained from going home before success. It's not that he looks down on the work in his village. But the amount of income in the capital with in his village is like the earth and the sky. Although he is now a public toilet guard. Harim believes that this is a struggle he must live.

The sun that feels like being an inch above the head accompanies the days in the Capital City. The queue at the crossroads also enlivened the atmosphere. Harim prepared his best clothes. He got the job vacancy info and prepared to follow his registration. All files have been prepared according to the rules that have been given. A smile and hopeful eyes are displayed to show a steady impression.

All the stages Harim has gone through until he arrives at the last phase, which is the interview. This stage is the decisive stage that he said many people have died at this stage. Because Harim has had a lot of flying hours about applying for a job so he is already very familiar with the various questions that will be asked. However, there is one question that Harim is very afraid of and he does not have the answer to that question.

"Do you have any recommendations from someone?"
"No ma'am, but I believe it can meet the company's expectations."

Yes. This question has always been a stumbling block for Harim to get a seat in the company. He is alone in the capital, there are not the slightest relatives. Only the answer of a thousand reasons can be spent to seduce the interviewer. Please be anxious for Harim to get more value. Praying became the last thing he could do.

The bone-chilling temperature accompanied the beautiful glitter of the capital night. A cup of coffee is brewed just for warming. City parks are the best place to take off the burden of the mind. It has been one week that no letters or emails have been sent from the company. Harim began to ponder lamenting fate for the future. The existing savings have been reduced and he is also embarrassed if he has to ask his mother in the village constantly.

"Harim, this is Harim right?"
"Eh Bagas, I haven't seen you for a long time."
Bagas was a friend of Harim's faculty. From his appearance, it seems that Bagas has become a successful person. Outfits from head to toe are all brended. It smells like the scent of dahlia flowers. His burly body contained like the stature of a newly entered soldier. It must be that the nutritional intake is well maintained.

In his college days Bagas was not as smart and accomplished as Harim. On the contrary, Harim is the one who always helps him in various courses. When Bagas finds a dead end in search of ideas, Harim always gives way to him. as an exemplary figure Bagas admires Harim very much.

"Well it seems you've been successful, Gas."
"Ah, how are you Rim?"
Harim recounted the grievances he had experienced while in the capital. Without any ill intentions, he just wanted to confide in his friend. The fatigue he endured slowly began to subside.

"That's how gas, I can't stand it. It seems that I will just go back to my hometown."
"Don't give up Rim, I just don't want to know you to om me. It just so happens that I also work in this company om me, who knows that he can also give you a job."
"Seriously you're Gas?"

Like the fall of the moon, what Harim had been waiting for all this time came. An unexpected opportunity appeared just before he was about to give up. Without thinking, Harim accepted the offer from Bagas. He was so happy that he glued like glue to bagas. Hugging him.

Apart from being a friend, Bagas is aware of Harim's credibility. He knew that it was unfortunate if someone as talented as he was left alone. With the connections that Bagas has. He was able to give Harim a seat in his uncle's company. Of course, with various considerations, it was taken first.

Praise and gratitude kept pouring out of Harim's mouth for having a friend as good as Bagas. The struggle he has gone through so far has really paid off. Not to forget he told his beloved mother in the village, that he had got the job he yearned for.

Until now, Harim still works in the same company as bagas. He devoted all his abilities to the company. So that he can get to the position of HR chairman in the company. The memories he went through would be kept as evidence of his struggles.

"Alright next."
"Excuse me, I'm allowed to enter. Long time no see this uwa I am Andri."
"Loh Andri you why don't you tell uwa you want to apply for a job here. Just go straight in, you don't need to interview the rest so that uwa take care of it."


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