Like Friends of the Class


I'm a student at SMPN 1 PURI, When I entered 9th grade I met a cool and beautiful woman, that's where my story started, I finally decided to get acquainted, I said
"Hay, Whose name are you?"
"Hello, My name is Fey" he replied "Greetings know ya my name is grace" I said with a
smile "oh yes greetings know" he

The next day at school there was a class decorating competition to commemorate August 17, I and Fey Helped friends decorate the Class Starting from cleaning the class, making decorations, sticking decorations and others, there my friends brought hair tips.

Suddenly Fey gave me
"Grace sinii" "What's wrong Fey" I
replied "
I want to tidy your hair, do you want to ga?" He asked "emmm yaudah Dehh
" I replied as I resigned myself

There I sat on the bench with my hair in the middle of my hair and with Fey, I asked "Why are you neat my hair" I asked
in confusion
"Ga papa just want to be neat" she replied

After 20 minutes of her grinding my hair with a catokan, suddenly I had a feeling of liking for Fey, I also didn't know why I could like Fey even though we were originally just friends. I decided to hide that feeling...

At 1:30 p.m. The bell for home rang and me and my classmates went home. After I got home Soon Fey chatted me
"Save Fey" he said "Ho'oh, save back grace
" I said happily

I saw a friend's WA story suddenly I also saw Fey's story with the caption "I'm on you",
That's where I think Fey also likes me the other way around with me.

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The next day at school Fey kept approaching me, asking questions about me happily, I as Fey's friend I also wanted to hear stories about him,
In class Fey told me about her life and vice versa I also told her about my life

After telling stories for a long time, the teacher teacher at my school called all the students expected to go to the ceremonial field because There was a competition and announcement of the champion decorating the class, And After waiting for the class We Get the 1st place decorating the class.
I saw Fey participating in the race, on the ceremonial field I kept looking at Fey, I also didn't know why I kept looking at her. Time went by so fast but I still hid my feelings of liking for Fey

Finally I took the liberty to say to Fey via chat, I said
"Fey I want to talk very important wkwkw" "Talk Apaa grace, just say gpp"
he replied

What I had in mind was Fey also liked me, that's why I dared to say my feelings to him even more.
"i actually like you fey" i said it confidently
"Haa??, Seriously ta kidding?" He replied with confusion "Yes, seriously, sirek really fey" I
"Anu, anu, anu, we haven't been too Deket, can Deket first?, I don't mean to refuse... I appreciate you Confes to me, I really appreciate it, because it takes courage and thank you very much for wanting to confes" he
replied "Yes, how come fey" I replied with a little Disappointed

From There I tried to get closer to him, The Day kept changing And I kept Trying To Get Closer To Him, but it turned out that I was wrong, he meant to reject my feelings but didn't want to hurt me, it turned out that Fey liked someone with the initials "G".

I'm disappointed with him, he said we should be closer it turns out he doesn't like me, he prefers other people...
I was fool!!!, why should I express those feelings.

Little by little as time went on I forgot Him with a heart full of wounds.

It turns out that a short story can make a very heavy pain, my message Don't hold out too much hope to someone... Naturally admiring someone too seriously is sometimes painful.


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