Between You and Him

Between You and Him

Hi my name is Alera, I was in high school in 11th grade. I have a boyfriend who's the same as me, he's called Jevan.

I'll tell you a little bit about it. He is tall, he is sweet, his face is so handsome, he likes things like games and anime, he also likes sports. He often invites me to jog together in the morning or evening.
He can play the guitar, sometimes I sing along with him or I sing with romantic songs nowadays. My heart blossomed more and more because of it.

In the early morning when I left for school, he always picked me up and drove me home. Even every night of the week he always asks me out for a date. Many say I'm lucky to get a boyfriend like me and people call it "treat like a queen".

"We've all been to all the places, where are you going?" asked Jevan to me.
"Hmm where yes, I'm also confused, bored to repeat the same place" I said to Jevan.
"You're right, what if we go to a night market?" he asked me.
"May" I nodded.

Jevan and I got on the bike to go to the exhibition that had existed a few days ago until now. It may get more crowded because today is a weeknight.

I hugged her tightly and hid my hand into her hodie pocket. The night wind made me stick to it even tighter.
This makes me remember things that have passed.

A few minutes on the way we finally arrived at our destination. I got off his bike and waited for him to park the bike.

I looked here and there, what kind of things I wanted to buy. There are so many snacks, accessories and games.

I held his hand tightly so as not to be separated from him because so many people passed by here.

"I want to ride it" I pointed to a game that people call the culprit.
"You are not afraid of being high?" Jevan mocked me.
"Nope!" my face became sullen.
Jevan chuckled and pinched my cheek. I got more and more annoyed and put away his hand.

"Just tell me if you're the one who's afraid" I said to Jevan.
"Nope, where I'm afraid, let's go up" Jevan and I lined up to buy tickets.

After getting the tickets me and Jevan started to ride, I could see everyone from above, everything was beautiful. You can see some of the colorful lights I saw from above. But I saw two lovebirds who were dating as well as us.
He's Kaelos, my masalalu. I don't know who is with him tonight but the woman he is holding looks beautiful. My previously cheerful smile began to slowly fade.

"Why did your face become like that?" asked Jevan.
"No, my face is just normal" I forced my smile on Jevan.

I kept looking down where Kaelos and her boyfriend were walking here and there. Either play something or buy snacks. It can be seen that they occasionally laugh maybe joking?.
Once again I remembered that I used to laugh a lot because of jokes from Kaelos. I became a little uncomfortable being here but I still wanted to see Kaelos with her boyfriend. Looking for diseases is indeed hahaha.

Finally after a few rounds we got off the game. The taste is no longer beautiful or pleasant but there is only a sense of emptiness.
A night that should have been beautiful and pleasant was painful.
Just say if I'm bad, I dated Jevan when I was still in love with Kaelos maybe until now?. I don't know if I don't know.

"From the way your face frowns, why?" asked Jevan to me.
"No, I'm not papa" I said reassuringly to Jevan.

Jevan turned his head here and there to see what could make me cheerful again but accidentally saw Kaelos and his girlfriend.
Maybe he thought if I changed because I saw Kaelos and his girlfriend?. I don't know but he took me to a quiet place.

"What's wrong with you? tell me, I won't be angry in the slightest" he said to me.
"I'm not papa, how many times should I say if I don't why napa?" I started to raise my tone. He was a little surprised.

"I know what's going on with you, I'm not going to be angry" he smiled at me.

Her smile made me feel guilty, why can't my heart love such a sincere man?.

I just kept quiet without answering his question.

"I know, I'm going to make you love me like you love your past" she hugged me.
"I want to love you but this heart is too scared to be left behind anymore" I said to her.
"Why be afraid?" he asked me.
"Because my past had said that too and eventually he left me" I said to her.

"I don't know how painful your heart is but I will try to keep my word to always be beside you" he said reassuringly to me.
"Why try?" I asked him.
"Because fate no one knows, only God knows" he said to me.
"If I've really fallen on you, I hope you don't leave me, Jev" I said hopefully.
"yes, I'll make sure" he stroked my head.

Still the word he said I couldn't hold, Kaelos had also said that but he left me.

Every time I see Jevan I always see Kaelos inside her, how to treat me and convince me to love her.

Still the shadow of Kaelos haunts me, but I chose Jevan myself because he always reminds me of Kaelos. I still can't accept that Kaelos is no longer mine.


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