What Makes You, FEEL Best?

If you don't care enough, to put, yourself, first, nobody else, will! Many people worry about others, their jobs, etc, but spend, very little time or attention, focusing on their personal, self - interest! When was the last time, you seriously considered, what makes you FEEL, best, and why? It's a matter of mind over matter. If you don't have a mind, it doesn't matter? How much will you pay attention, to this advice, from the witty, Groucho Marx? When we nourish our thoughts, and proceed, with a positive attitude, we generally live, a happier, healthier life! With that in mind, this article will attempt to, briefly, consider, examine, review, and discuss, using the mnemonic approach, why it makes sense, to make it your mission, to consider yourself, your needs, goals, and priorities, far more.

1. Future; fresh - look; face facts; furnish; fruition: Although, many claim, they do so, in many instances, they merely give it, lip - service! How important, you consider, the quality of your future, whether you are prepared to clearly, face the facts, and do so, with a positive, can - do, attitude, often, has a significant impact, on the quality of your life! Don't let any personal perceptions, and/ or, prejudices, and pre - conceived notions, limit your happiness, and, consistently, proceed, with an open - mind, and take a fresh - look! Consider, what might furnish you, with the most contented scenario, and, will you have the persistence, to take your actions, to fruition!

2. Energy; energized; emphasis: How will you maintain your positive energy, in order to avoid letting the limits of your self - imposed, comfort zone, dominate your existence? An energized individual, persists, in order to place his emphasis, on serving his true needs, effectively!

3. Efforts; existence; endurance: Will you have the level of endurance, to persist, forward, in the finest way, rather than simply, taking the path, of least resistance? The quality and focus/ direction of your personal efforts, generally, determines the eventual, overall self - satisfaction, of your existence!

4. Listen; learn; lessons: Most of us, after - the - fact, recognize previous mistakes/ errors, but, few, are committed, enough, to learn the significant, relevant lessons, from these experiences, etc! Is you conscience, your special, little - voice, which, if you are willing to listen, often directs you, in the best direction, to meet your needs, and lifestyle?

What makes you happy, and, how will you feel BEST about yourself? Will you become the happiest, you can be? Will you permit this happiness, to let you experience, a healthier life?

Richard has owned businesses, been a COO, CEO, Director of Development, consultant, professionally run events, consulted to thousands, and conducted personal development seminars, for 4 decades. Rich has written three books and thousands of articles. Website: http://plan2lead.net and LIKE the Facebook page for alternative health: http://facebook.com/althealth

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