So One of The Everyday Skills, What Is Numeracy?

Numeracy is one of the skills used daily. However, although it is one of the abilities that almost everyone has, it turns out that not many people know about what numeracy is.

Well, so, what is numeracy?

The word numeracy itself is not actually listed in the Big dictionary of Indonesian. There is only the root word, which is numerical, which is defined as something related to numbers.

However, like the word literacy which means the ability to write and read, then numeracy can be regarded as an ability that a person needs to be precise in calculations.

Although it is not in the KBBI, numeracy has its definition in foreign dictionaries. As in Merriam Webster, numeracy is an action, process, or example of counting or numbering. It can also be that numeracy is interpreted as a system of counting or numbering.

Quoting from the Numeracy Literacy Module in Elementary Schools from the official website of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology (Kemendikbud Ristek), the Ministry of Education and Culture defines the meaning of numeracy in journals uploaded to its official website.

As for the journal, it was found that the meaning of the word numeracy is skills and knowledge related to understanding symbols, numbers, and quantitative information analysis.

In addition to the Ministry of Education and Culture, there are also several experts who define numeracy. As for example, Sir Wilfred Cockcroft, defines numeracy as the ability of a person to use numbers to solve problems in everyday life.

The conclusion of the above explanation, numeracy is something that is closely related to mathematics and is used in everyday life. From there, so how can numeracy skills be realized and even developed?

First, it is necessary to provide means that can influence the development of numeracy. For example, schools, rooms are made to work or interact in numeracy.

Then you can create an environment that supports the development of a numeracy mindset. The trick is to convince that numeracy is a mandatory skill that is not only for lessons.

In order to make it happen, it can be applied through school programs. For example, for Early Childhood Education (PAUD) students, numeracy will be useful for comprehensive training if applied in accordance with the competence of the participants.

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