Discovering Your Life's Purpose

Lately, many of the clients that have made their way to me are in search of uncovering their passion and in search of figuring out their life's purpose.

And while there isn't a magic bullet to help you figure out why you are here and what you are meant to do, it can be hugely satisfying to finally figure out how to live your life on purpose, in alignment with your goals, dreams and values.

In the work I do with my clients, that's the journey I take them on. I take them through a journey of self discovery, curiosity and exploration. Together, using many tools and processes I assist them in uncovering their passion and their purpose. And once they have a clear vision, we work on an action plan to align them and move them in the direction of their goals and dreams.

One of the many ways to help you self discover your own life's purpose is to read books. Here, I've identified some of my favorite books on the topic:

1. The Life You Were Born to Live (A Guide to Finding Your Life Purpose) by Dan Millman

I love this book. This book will appeal to pragmatic as well as woowoo types. I think Deepak Chopra's assessment of the book sums it up best: "The Life-Purpose System as expressed in Dan Millman's book is absolutely amazing in its predictive value. It will help you sort out the conflicts in your life and guide you on the path of fulfillment."

2. The Passion Test (The Effortless Path to Discovering Your Destiny) by Janet Bray Attwood & Chris Attwood

This is a simple and easy to follow book to help guide you through a process and series of exercises to assist you in uncovering your passion and what fulfills you in life.

3. You Can Heal Your Life by Louise Hay

This book is my go-to book for self help and healing. I believe you can't achieve and manifest your goals and dreams unless you've eliminated the self limitations and roadblocks in your way. This book will help you identify what's in your way and assist you in setting clearer intentions for what you want instead.

4. The Artist's Way (A Spiritual Path to Higher Creativity) by Julia Cameron

Sometimes you need to see things from a different perspective. The Artist's Way will inspire you and allow you to think outside the box with numerous exercises and activities to get you creative in your thinking and your approach. If you participate in the journey this book takes you on, you will gain greater clarity.

5. The Road Less Travelled, Timeless Edition: A New Psychology of Love, Traditional Values and Spiritual Growth by M. Scott Peck M.D.

This book takes you deeper into self reflection. "The Road" is meant not as a destiny but as a unending journey of spiritual growth.

While some people are very clear about their passion and purpose, others can wander most of their lives looking for greater fulfillment. If you find yourself wandering, wondering "is this as good as it gets?" Perhaps now is the time to make time for some inner work. If you need some guidance and coaching to assist you on your quest and journey, I'm here to help.

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