4 Different Types of Software Testing Models

Software testing can be carried out effectively using different approaches and every project will have a different set of requirements. Hence, there are different software testing models and this article looks into 4 of them, along with the pros and cons.

Software Testing is an integral part of the software development process. Once software is developed, it needs to be tested in order to ensure it meets all the criteria defined for it, and also caters to the requirements specified by the client. In the absence of software testing, it would be impossible to build a software and launch it in the market. Today, when there is a growing need for launching software with the best features and also provide frequent updates, leading IT services firms like ACS, The Digital Group, and Capgemini, are offering customized software testing services to cater to the different requirements of software project testing.

It is important to note that software testing has different approaches and which one to choose depends on the end goal and requirements, among other factors. These approaches are referred to as software testing models and this article explores 4 different types of these models, along with their pros and cons.

1] Waterfall Model

The first model is the Waterfall model and it is the most basic of the software testing models. However, this model is quite popular and is the process or approach of choice for many QA professionals across the globe. This process consists of a number of phases and it has the developers follow a defined series of processes, and each phase has its own goal or objective. The 4 phases are – gathering and analysis of requirements, software design, implementation and QA, and maintenance.


Easy implementation and maintenance

Less resources required

Collection and analysis of requirements early in the lifecycle saves efforts later


No provision to alter requirements in the later phases

Work on the next phase can begin only after the first phase is completed.


2] V Model

Widely considered to be superior to the Waterfall model, the V model involves both, the development as well as the QA going on side by side in the downhill and uphill shape. It is characterized by testing starting at the unit level and then moving up towards the integration of the system as a whole. The V Model also focuses on getting done with the planning and test designing before coding.


Easy to use as compared to other models

High success rate

Defects identified at an early stage.


Not very flexible

Early prototype not available

3] Agile Model

Today, the Agile model has emerged as the most popular model used by QA teams. The Agile model focuses on collaboration between cross-functional teams and it has the requirements and solutions evolve as a result. It is also referred to as the incremental model and is all about continuous improvement in the software product.


Continuous development ensures higher levels of customer satisfaction

Allows for faster time to market without compromising on quality

Highly flexible


Requires the client to have a clear picture of the goals

Can be little difficult to assess the efforts and hours required for the project beforehand


4] Rapid Application Development Model

Similar to the Agile model, this one also involves components of the software being developed simultaneously, parallel to one another. This is a sharp contrast to the waterfall model. Once all the parts are built separately, they are assembled to form the product.


Significant reduction in development time

Allows for the components to be used more than once


High cost involved

Not suitable for all projects



In addition to the 4 software testing models described in this article, there are other models like Spiral Model and the Rational Unified Process. Each model has something different to offer to the QA process and has its own share of advantages and disadvantages.

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