
Bible Verse

Jesus replied, “Anyone who drinks this water will soon become thirsty again. But those who drink the water I give will never be thirsty again. It becomes a fresh, bubbling spring within them, giving them eternal life.” John 4:13-14

Thoughts & Message
What a beautiful picture God is painting for us. Here is a woman who is coming to the well for water during the heat of the day. She must have been an outcast, for why else come alone during the hot time of the day? Why not come early in the cool of the morning with the other women? Regardless, she comes for water for her physical thirst and Jesus offers her water for her soul. Jesus touches her heart so she leaves the water at the well and runs and tells everyone in the village about Him. She had found what her soul really thirsted for. How about you? What do you need? Is it to be heard and understood? Is it to be affirmed or blessed? Do you want to be loved? Do you need to be forgiven? Perhaps you long to be included or to be chosen? Perhaps it is just to be safe? Whatever the longing of your heart, Jesus has the living water that can quench your thirst. His love for you is the living water you have been looking for. Come to Him today. Drink of His love, forgiveness, understanding, affirmation and blessing. When you do, you too will be telling everyone, “Come and see this Jesus who knows me and quenches the thirst of my soul.”

Lord, You know the longings of my heart. You know my needs, my fears, my desires. I come to You today to be filled. Fill me with Your living water. Holy Spirit, come and quench the desires of my heart. In Jesus’ name.

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