Podcast Creation: 3 Powerful Easy Steps to Build a Winning Podcast

When inspiration strikes, you can have a sleepless night. If the concept for a new podcast is keeping you up nights, you might appreciate these three steps you can take right now to create a winning podcast for visibility, influence and self-expression. 
The first step is to "see it done" before you begin. Get a clear idea of how your podcast will be integrated into your world. Once you vision its role in your business or your life, you can better make all the decisions that need to be made for podcast creation.

The next step is to get clear on your content strategy. Are you going to interview experts in your field? Are you going to share your own expertise as the solo speaker? The easiest way to have a podcast go and grow viral is to invite guests. Each guest will share your show with his or her fan base, and this exponentially grows a podcast with the greatest ease.

Once you have clarity on your framework and vision, you can start making a list of everything else that goes into podcast creation. Here's a quick list:

-Choose your microphone 
-Choose your broadcast company 
-Choose your method for recording (by teleconference, in person) 
-Create a square podcast logo that shows your show's name built (ITUNES requires the dimensions of 1400 by 1400 pixels)

So there's some work that goes into creating a podcast behind the scenes that you'll need to take on, but the results are worth it.

Create a Search Engine Optimization (Keyword) Plan

The last easy step you should take is to create a search engine optimization plan. This may not seem logical, but as your podcast is getting ready to be born, it won't have a lot of connections to other programs or websites. So the easiest way for it to be found is if you choose some keywords that describe the podcast.

For example, let's say a podcast focuses on entrepreneurs and how to grow a business. The podcast creator should do some keyword research so that as each episode is released to the world, the episode is categorized (named) with keywords that will help new listeners find the show.

Podcast audiences on the whole are exceptionally loyal and like to listen to four or five podcasts every week. The listening audience tends to binge download episodes of programs for events like commuting to work or taking a longer day-trip. Make sure your episodes are about the same length per show.

And don't forget to have fun! Happiness is contagious. Happy podcasting!

Erica Glessing believes when you tell your story, you change the world. She has built more than two dozen podcasts including "Over the Influence with Arielle Lorre," "Breaking Free: A Modern Divorce Podcast," and her own show, The Erica Glessing Show. For a complimentary five-part video masterclass on how to build your podcast as your brand go to http://www.PodcastPassion.net.

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