Why Maintaining An OPEN - Mind, Makes You Well?

By Richard Brody

You can think you can, or can't. Either way, you'll be correct! These words, often credited to Henry Ford, form an important basis, and focus, for each of us, to proceed through our lives, with. Only when we perceive, and conceive of, life's obstacles, merely as challenges, to overcome, instead of problems (which may, debilitate), we are far less strained, etc, and become far more capable of proceeding, through life, in a happier, healthier manner. In order to do so, it's important to proceed forward, throughout life, with a true, OPEN - mind, and fully consider the options and alternatives, which might help one make the best possible decisions, etc. With that in mind, this article will attempt to, briefly, consider, examine, review, and discuss, using the mnemonic approach, what this means and represents, and why, doing so, often, will make you, well, happy, and healthy.

1. Objective; options; opportunities; organized: The more, objectively, and introspectively, one becomes, the better capable, he is, to proceed, forward, in a realistic, relevant, objective manner! Instead of limiting your success/ potential, and taking the path, of least resistance, it is wise, to expand your mindset, and consider, numerous options, and alternatives! Doing so, positions us, to recognize, and take advantage of the finest opportunities, and/ or, create and develop the best opportunity, for you! Instead of proceeding, in a haphazard, disorganized manner, you will be more successful, prepared, and less stressed, when you proceed, in an organized way!

2. Priorities; planning; pleasure: Identify your true, personal priorities, and why, you believe they are. Proceed, with well - considered, extensive planning! When you do this, your potential to enjoy personal pleasure instead of personal discomfort and uncertainty, becomes, exponentially, enhanced!

3. Energy/ energize; efforts; endurance; excellence: When you seek to proceed, with the utmost degree of personal excellence, your long - term, success, and happiness, is improved! Our mindset must energize us, by enhancing our level of energy, and, maximize our endurance, to look, to the future, rather than, merely, only, consider short - term challenges, and obstacles. In most cases, when we focus our efforts, where they might do, the most good, makes a huge difference, in how, we will live, and experience our lives!

4. Needs; nerve: Making your life, about your personal needs, priorities, goals, objectives, and best interests, and having the nerve, to expand the limits of your personal comfort zone, often, goes far, in making you, as happy, as possible!

Maintain an OPEN - mind, and, become your own best friend! Are you willing to, do more, in your personal, best interests?

Richard has owned businesses, been a COO, CEO, Director of Development, consultant, professionally run events, consulted to thousands, and conducted personal development seminars, for 4 decades. Rich has written three books and thousands of articles. Website: http://plan2lead.net and LIKE the Facebook page for alternative health: http://facebook.com/althealth

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