How To Improve Your State Of MIND?

By Richard Brody

The great, Groucho Marx, is often, credited with saying, It's a matter of mind over matter, and if you don't have a mind, it doesn't matter! While, most of us, laughed, not only because of the words, but, by, how he delivered those, using his famous props (cigar, glasses, etc). However, perhaps, the most essential consideration, in terms of our personal health, and well - being, is, when, we focus, on doing things, and taking actions, to improve our overall state of MIND, our overall health, and happiness, exponentially improves. With that in mind, this article will attempt to, briefly, consider, examine, review, and discuss, using the mnemonic approach, why it's a wise strategy, to prioritize our focus, in this manner.

1. Motivate/ motivations; mental picture: When we motivate ourselves, to proceed, through life, in a well - focused, positive manner, we become far happier, healthier, and willing to think positively, while proceeding with an open - mind, and considering the best, most viable, options, alternatives and opportunities! Take the time, to consider, and better understand, your personal motivations, and what mental pictures, are recurring, and most relevant to you! It's up to you, to either motivate yourself, in a positive way, or to be, your own, worst enemy!

2. Ideas; ideology; integrity; imagination; self - image: When was the last time, you took the time, and made a concerted effort, to give yourself, a check - up, from the neck - up? Is your self - image, objectively, and introspectively, a positive one? Will you look at the bigger - picture, by developing, and using a well - formulated, developed, imagination, and discover, our life's core ideology, and whether it is one, which makes us happier, and healthier? Will you maintain genuine, absolute integrity, so the ideas, you articulate, are meaningful, not only to others, but, to you, also?

3. Needs; nuances: How have you determined your needs, and, the best way, to meet, and satisfy them, productively? What nuances, are needed and necessary, to achieve your primary objectives, etc?

4. Personal priorities; purpose; please/ pleasure: When was the last time, you considered your personal priorities, and, whether, they meet, and exceed, your true needs, etc? What purposes, are you seeking, and why? Do these please you, and why? What gives you pleasure, and what do you perceive, and conceive, in order to make yourself, happier, and healthier?

Will you do, what you should, to improve your state of MIND, in order to enhance your chances, to be happier and healthier? Are you up to the task?

Richard has owned businesses, been a COO, CEO, Director of Development, consultant, professionally run events, consulted to thousands, and conducted personal development seminars, for 4 decades. Rich has written three books and thousands of articles. Website: and LIKE the Facebook page for alternative health:

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